When, Where and How much?

Friday: 7 - 10pm
Tapton School Sports Hall,
Darwin Lane, Crosspool, Sheffield S10 5RG

Monday: 7 - 10pm
Ecclesfield School Sports Centre, (starts in September)
Chapeltown Road, Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9WD

How much?
  • £115 /year Club Membership for Fridays at Tapton only (inc. Badminton England).
  • £4 pay and play on either Monday / Friday + £15 for Badminton England. 
  • Student concessions available.
What you need?
  • Indoor non-marking court shoes. 
  • Badminton racquet. 
  • Suitable sports clothing.
N.B. Shuttlecocks are provided. 

More Info?
Please contact us:

Club Secretary: Claire Evans
t: 0114 268 4090
e: alsopevans@sheffield153.fsnet.co.uk

Treasurer: Steve Kelly
t: 0114 230 2961
e: steve.lesley@yahoo.co.uk